Energy Access | Achievements


ESMAP’s work on energy access, including activities implemented by the World Bank regional energy units and those funded by AFREA have influenced financing; informed countries' policies and strategies; increased client capacities; and generated innovative approaches in the developing world. For detailed outcomes, download ESMAP's yearly portfolio review.




ESMAP assisted in the development of energy access plans supported by a US$400 million loan from the World Bank and a US$1.5 billion commitment from donors. Full story.


ESMAP assisted in developing standarized power purchase agreements and simplified regulatory procedures to facilitate small power producers' involvement in electricity generation. Full story.



AFREA asssited the Liberia Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy to set up and build the capacity of an agency to mobilize investment and renewable energy services for rural areas. Full story.


ESMAP assisted in establishing a web-based monitoring and evaluation system to monitor its renewable energy program. Full story.


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