Energy Access Program | Support to the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) Initiative

Support to SE4All Global Process and Country Action Agenda


The Energy Access program contributed to a number of SE4All activities:Lighting Africa


Provided inputs in the preparation of the initial framework report for the SE4All Task Force 1 responsible for shaping efforts toward the goal of universal energy access. The framework report calls for providing assistance to developing countries based on their needs, potential, and opportunities, to reach universal energy access.


Conducted rapid assessments and gap analyses in: Bangladesh, Honduras, Indonesia, Laos and Zambia, to inform the development of action plans to guide SE4All activities in these countries.


Co-authored the Global Tracking Framework Report with the World Bank’s Sustainable Energy Department, the International Energy Agency (IEA) and other international energy institutions.


Provided inputs on the governance of the Global Facilitation Team of the SE4ALL Initiative.


Contributed to defining the process of developing country action agenda and investment prospectus in SE4ALL opt-in countries. 



ESMAP’s SE4ALL Technical Assistance Program


As part of the World Bank Group’s commitments to SE4ALL, announced at the UN’s Rio+20 Summit, ESMAP set up a US$15 million Technical Assistance Program to support selected, opt-in, countries in planning investments and mobilizing financing to achieve universal energy access by 2030. Assistance is being provided to Burundi, Guinea, Liberia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal and Central America to develop investment prospectus and improve enabling policy and regulatory framework for electricity access and/or clean cooking solutions. Also the program is supporting a regional initiative to promote power pool in Africa.


Sustainable Energy for All Technical Assistance Program | Fact Sheet



Defining and Measuring Energy


Recognizing the need to move beyond current binary measurement of energy access, as emphasized in the SE4ALL Global Tracking Framework report, ESMAP’s Energy Access Program has been spearheading a global study to better define and measure energy access. In consultation with a number of development institutions, the study developed and piloted a multi-tier measurement approach that accounts for the multi-faceted aspects of access to energy.


Download the Multi-Tier Approach to Measuring Energy Access Fact Sheet





ESMAP |  Energy Access | Support to the SE4ALL Initiative

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