Energy Access Program | Operational Support on Household Cooking Energy and Off-Grid Electricity Access

Improved stovesThe Energy Access program supported the following initiatives and lending projects:


(ACCES ) Africa Clean Cooking Energy Solutions Initiative: ESMAP’s Energy Access program supported the design of the ACCES initiative, which promotes enterprise-based, large-scale dissemination and adoption of clean cooking solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa. The initiative will further assist in the development and implementation of selected country interventions.  Learn more


Benin: Increased Access to Modern Energy Project: The Energy Access program supported the design of household energy access activities that were funded by an AFREA grant as parallel co-financing to the World Bank-financed Benin Increased Access to Modern Energy Project. In addition, the Energy Access program assists with grant implementation supervision.


Bangladesh Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development II Project: In collaboration with the World Bank Energy Anchor, the Energy Access program helped conduct stove user consultations, which informed the design of the household energy component of the Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development II project.


Completion Reports for Electricity Access projects in Senegal, Lao PDR, and Bangladesh: The Energy Access Program assisted Bank operational units in assessing project achievements and outcomes, evaluating Bank/Government performance, and documenting lessons learned under completed investment lending projects financed by the World Bank in Senegal, Lao PDR, and Bangladesh. 


Energy Access | Operational Support on Household Cooking Energy and Off-Grid Electricity Access

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