
electric buses fleet, blue, lined up, Kolkata
PAST EVENT | REPORT LAUNCH | Electric Mobility & Power Systems | May 30, 2023
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The ongoing transition towards electric mobility represents a promising pathway towards reducing carbon emissions. However, it also poses significant and complex technical challenges, particularly for power systems in developing countries. Addressing these challenges is essential to ensure the sustainable electrification of transport systems and necessitates the implementation of a diverse range of solutions and approaches.

We delved into the intersections of electric mobility and power systems. The event served as the launch of the ESMAP Technical Report titled Electric Mobility & Power Systems - Impacts and Mitigation Strategies in Developing Countries.

During this session, participants had the opportunity to gain valuable insights into the technical challenges and opportunities presented by transport electrification for power systems in developing countries. Our esteemed speakers, drew from CCDR experiences and country studies, explored pertinent considerations for operations and share insights into effective impact mitigation strategies. 




Panelists for this BBB



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